Do I need a website for my small business?

We live in the age of the internet where search engines reign supreme, ready to answer any question. As our mobile and tablet usage increases, so too does our ability to be connected anytime and anywhere. In our highly connected society, having a website makes good business sense. Here are six reasons why you should…


Any website is better than no website at all, right?

This question is one we often hear, but not all websites are created equally. An effective website is not just a marketing tool; it is a powerful business tool. A professionally designed website that reinforces your brand and has engaging copy and content is critical in making a good first impression with your potential customers.…


Message received loud and clear?

“I have something for you.” He passed her a small soft blue gift box tied with a white satin ribbon. She gasped with anticipation as she accepted it. Seeing the expectant look on her face he quickly interjected, “Oh, it’s not from __________!” If you can fill in the blank you’re on your way to understanding visual…


Effective Communications Begins With A Plan

You have an important message that needs to get out to your clients – but how do you deliver it? Social networking? Print or web ads? Maybe even a video? There are countless ways to spend your money and energy – the key is finding the most efficient and effective way to reach your key…


14 Tips on Appearing Before a Parliamentary Committee

An effective presentation before a committee requires good planning and preparation. But what about the meeting itself? Here are some quick tips on how to conduct yourself when testifying before a parliamentary committee. 1. Confirm logistics with the Clerk, either the day before or earlier in the day for an afternoon or evening appearance. Are there any…


5 Reasons Advocacy Fails

Often I hear organizations complain about how they mounted an advocacy campaign but did not achieve the success they sought. Here are the five most common reasons advocacy attempts fail. 1. A lack of patience. Advocacy takes time and too often groups give up before they achieve success because they lack the patience that advocacy…


Offer Solutions Not Only Criticism

When advocating for change, be sure to offer solutions, not just criticism. Too often organizations spend more time identifying the problem then they spend identifying potenital solutions. Policy makers are not always subject matter experts and you can make their job much easier if you identify potential poliy changes which can address a problem. By providing…


Advocacy and Election Campaigns

An Executive Director of a charitable organization recently told me that with a federal election looming , her organization is pulling back from advocacy and communication efforts. While the attention of federal politicians of all stripes is currently focussed on the impending budget and a potential election campaign, advocacy and awareness efforts should not be…


Awareness “Day”

Last week I was asked by a non-profit organization to help them draft a proclamation recognizing a particular day as a day of awareness for their issue. In this case, my advice was to pursue a motion in the Legislature instead as their aim was to educate and bring awareness to their issue through dialogue.…
