Message received loud and clear?

“I have something for you.” He passed her a small soft blue gift box tied with a white satin ribbon. She gasped with anticipation as she accepted it. Seeing the expectant look on her face he quickly interjected, “Oh, it’s not from __________!” If you can fill in the blank you’re on your way to understanding visual…


Protect Your Analytics Data

Imagine that you and your family build a new house. You buy the lot, and pay a contractor to build your home. The big day finally comes, and you meet to get your keys. You are handed a set of keys, and your contractor says “Oh, by the way. You only have a copy of…


Effective Communications Begins With A Plan

You have an important message that needs to get out to your clients – but how do you deliver it? Social networking? Print or web ads? Maybe even a video? There are countless ways to spend your money and energy – the key is finding the most efficient and effective way to reach your key…


A SEO Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a little website. Life was hard for this little website. No matter how hard she tried, or where she advertised, the little website couldn’t seem to get any attention. But this little website had big dreams. She saw all the big, giant websites, and dreamed of being as big…


Is Google Analytics Accurate?

Google Analytics is not perfect. There are limitations to the accuracy of the information provided by Google Analytics which most casual users do not realize. But does this mean that Google Analytics cannot be trusted? Of course not. It provides a wealth of information that is invaluable to the strategic website. It simply means that…


How to Include SEO in RFPs

Many companies, both small and large, contract out for their website support through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. For many organizations, particularly governmental or those whose funding comes from government, they are mandated to get multiple bids on any significant project. And for the rest, it’s just good business practice. These organizations know that…


Strategic Websites for Non-Profits E-Book

Announcing our new E-Book for Non-Profits. For non-profit organizations, creating an effective website is a little bit trickier than for it is for a business. The challenge comes directly from the fundamental questions that surround a website for a non-profit. What is the organization trying to achieve with its website? And how do you measure…


Why Website Testing Is Important

Website testing, often called conversion testing, usability testing, or some other similar name, is an essential process in website improvement.  When a website is treated as an important strategic asset for a business or an organization, there will be a desire to make improvements. The challenge comes in how best to make changes to provide…


Your Target Audience Is Not The General Public

As part of the process in developing a strategic website, or any business planning for that matter, one of the first steps is to identify a target audience. These are the people to whom the business or organization wants to speak. These are the groups of people whose engagement with the organization or business brings…


Unique Visitors vs New Visitors in Google Analytics

I do not think it means what you think it means. Inigo Montoya, from The Princess Bride Sorry to piggyback off one of the classic lines from The Princess Bride, but sometimes your Google Analytics data does not mean what you think it means, as I found out from a real world example. Recently, I…
