Is Google Analytics Accurate?

Google Analytics is not perfect. There are limitations to the accuracy of the information provided by Google Analytics which most casual users do not realize. But does this mean that Google Analytics cannot be trusted? Of course not. It provides a wealth of information that is invaluable to the strategic website. It simply means that…


Google Tag Manager: Part 4 – Filtering Internal Traffic

The first three parts of this discussion on Google Tag Manger focussed on the general idea behind Tag Manager, the initial setup, and using events.  This post is going to discuss how to set up a common task for Analytics – filtering out internal traffic. Although there are a few ways of achieving this goal,…


Google Tag Manager: Part 3 – Events

Adding event tracking to Google Analytics is the next step beyond basic tracking, and is pretty much mandatory before doing any significant business or operational analysis on your website.  So, armed with the basic ideas behind Google Tag Manger and the first steps in implementing Google Tag Manager, we can now turn our attention to…


Google Tag Manager: Part 2 – Getting Started

As we briefly reviewed in a previous blog post, Tag Manager is a relatively new offering from Google.  One of the uses of Google Tag Manager is the flexibility it offers website owners to take back control of their Google Analytics implementation. The first step in getting started with Google Tag Manager (GTM) is to…


Google Tag Manager: Part 1

Google Analytics is pretty much standard on websites these days, particularly for small to medium sized businesses.  Although it does have its limitations, when it comes to determining what is happening on your website, there really is no other competitor that offers the type of information available through Google Analytics (excepting the somewhat expensive paid…


How to Include SEO in RFPs

Many companies, both small and large, contract out for their website support through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. For many organizations, particularly governmental or those whose funding comes from government, they are mandated to get multiple bids on any significant project. And for the rest, it’s just good business practice. These organizations know that…


Three Reasons You Do Not Need A Website

It may seem a bit strange for someone who makes their living from creating, analyzing, and updating websites to suggest that maybe you don’t even need a website. But for some businesses and organizations, this may be the case. It is almost accepted as an inviolable truth today that any business or organization needs to…


Strategic Websites for Non-Profits E-Book

Announcing our new E-Book for Non-Profits. For non-profit organizations, creating an effective website is a little bit trickier than for it is for a business. The challenge comes directly from the fundamental questions that surround a website for a non-profit. What is the organization trying to achieve with its website? And how do you measure…


Why Website Testing Is Important

Website testing, often called conversion testing, usability testing, or some other similar name, is an essential process in website improvement.  When a website is treated as an important strategic asset for a business or an organization, there will be a desire to make improvements. The challenge comes in how best to make changes to provide…
